Lil's Pomeranians in Central Florida

Puppy Care Tips

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Pomeranians have an average life span of 12 - 15 years.
* New puppies are a considerable amount of work.
* Their lives are precious and they deserve the best life you can give them.
* Puppies will whine, have potty accidents, and tear things up.
* Are you ready to accept them and willing to help them to grow?
* Be sure you are ready to make a commitment to them before you decide to buy one.

Puppy Stress

Buyer needs to be aware that a puppy is a baby and that sometimes babies (even human ones) may get sick due to stress or other related reasons. He is leaving our home and entering a new environment and stress related sicknesses may occur. These are beyond my control. New owners need to allow proper rest and nutrition. Your puppy will be sent home with the food he is used to eating (Eukanuba Puppy) please continue this diet until he has adjusted to his new environment.

Socialize! Socialize! Socialize!
From the time your puppy is 7 weeks old until he is about 9 months, he/she is in a crucial stage of development, mentally as well as physically.This mental development is what shapes his behavior and personality from then on. When he has finished his puppy shots for his protection, let him visit places with other people and pets to "socialize" him. There are pet stores that let you shop with your new family member, parks, events, and even activities for puppies. Check out the puppy classes, get him out in the big wide world to enjoy it and you can show off your new buddy. 


Vaccine Schedule
First shot 6 - 9 weeks
second shot 9 - 12 weeks
third shot 12 - 16 weeks  
Your pup should get his rabies shot during the third set. He should then get a booster set of shots yearly or every three years ( rabies )thereafter. In order for your puppy to be fully protected he must receive three sets of shots. Please take your puppy to a vet so that he can get the appropriate shots necessary for his well being.


Pom teeth tend to have alot of tartar build-up, so arrange to have regular veterinarian cleaning.



Until he is about 3 months old your puppy will have to relieve himself quite often. Timing is essential. Your puppy needs to go after eating, playing, or after a walk, about every 2 hours during the day. Remember that keeping to a regular schedule of meals and walks will make it easier. Don't end the walk abruptly as soon as he releives himself; end the trip outside in fun or he will figure out that holding it will result in more fun time. Always let him know when he's been good. Watch him close and if he acts like he's going to "go", say no and quickly take him outside. Never give delayed punishment. If you punish him later he will act guilty , hanging his head and looking sad but this does not mean that he understands; all he knows is that you are unhappy with him. NEVER RUB HIS NOSE IN IT!
Provide him with his own special place such as a crate and confine him anytime you are not watching him. A puppy is less likely to relieve himself in a confined space and will hold until the walk but remember that he cannot as of yet hold for very long


Fuzzy Wuzzy Was a Pomeranian


Crate Training
Crate training can ease the housebreaking period, help pups to travel safe and give them a comfortable place of retreat. Most puppies think of their crate as a den, esp. if there is a soft liner in it. Make sure that the crate is well ventilated and that there is room for the dog to turn around and stretch out but don't go too big. Never leave your puppy in a crate too long. Although they may make it through the night do not leave a puppy crated for more than a few hours and always leave plenty of fresh water. Accidents happen, just be sure to clean the crate thoroughly. Accidents are usually the fault of the owner so it is important to be consistent. Never use a crate for punishment but for sleep and relaxation. Keep a special toy in it like a puppy kong with paste and make the crate a haven for the puppy


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